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Top 4 Horse Health Questions featured image

Top 4 Horse Health Questions

You love your horse and want only the best for your dear equine. To ensure that your horse is in peak condition, you’ll need to…

How to Deal With Your Horse’s Anxiety featured image

How to Deal With Your Horse’s Anxiety

There are over 9.2 million horses in the United States, according to the American Horse Council Foundation, within that population are horses that suffer from…

Common Horse Muscle Issues featured image

Common Horse Muscle Issues

Myopathic horse muscle problems are congenital, injury-based or due to nutritional imbalances. Muscle inflammation caused by parasitic disease, certain autoimmune conditions or pathogenic infections can…

Horse Digestive Issues featured image

Horse Digestive Issues

Wild horses rarely suffer digestive issues common to domesticated horses because they eat easily digested, natural forage and graze over 15 hours a day. Fibrous…

Common Horse Allergies featured image

Common Horse Allergies

Common horse allergy symptoms include hives, pruritis (itchy skin), respiratory problems such as coughing or wheezing and constant headshaking. Hives may start as small bumps…

COPD in Horses featured image

COPD in Horses

Treating COPD in Horses Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) can affect just about every mammal, and horses are common sufferers. In equines, this condition is…